quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2020

Programa IACOBUS

A colega Maria Teresa Rodríguez Facal, Diretora da Biblioteca da Facultade de Informática de Universidade da Coruña, esteve na semana de 12 a 16 de Outubro de 2020, nos Serviços de Documentação e Bibliotecas do IPB, sediados na Biblioteca da Escola Superior Agrária, a participar no Porgrama IACOBUS.

A partilha de ideias e experiências foi enriquecedor. Cada uma de nós mostrou os serviços que se disponibilizam para as diferentes comunidades académicas. 




Clarisse Pais e Maria Teresa

4 comentários:

  1. Parabéns pelo bom trabalho que você fez e muito obrigada
    por me permitir conhecê-lo e compartilhar estes dias.

    Mª Teresa Rodríguez Facal

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  3. The "Programa IACOBUS" stands out as a transformative initiative, fostering academic and cultural exchange among institutions. This program, known for its commitment to international collaboration, facilitates valuable opportunities for students and researchers to engage in cross-cultural experiences. Its diverse range of activities, from academic partnerships to cultural immersion, contributes to a rich and holistic learning environment. The "Programa IACOBUS" effectively bridges the gap between institutions, promoting a global perspective and fostering lasting connections. For those seeking an enriching international academic experience, this program serves as a beacon of collaboration and mutual understanding.mejores abogados de divorcio en nueva jersey

  4. It's great to hear about the collaborative exchange through the IACOBUS program! Sharing ideas and experiences can truly enrich academic communities. Looking forward to more fruitful collaborations in the future.
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